Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tags from Ellysha*mommy* xD

A Future Guy/Girl
The tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.Have to mention the gender of his/her lover.Tag 8 other victims and leave a comment on their blog.If you're tagged the second time, there is no need for you to do this again.Lastly and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.

1.Knows how to cook WELL.
2.Long hair or short hair doesnt matter.
3.Understand the importance of FAMILY.
4.Like to play sports and go outdoors.
6.Knows how to response in suitable situation.
7.Friendly and easy to communicate with.
8.Can joke around and be funny at times.

I tag = Jacq, Noel, Chee Mun, Webster, Aaron Nair, Alvin Khaw

5 Secrets, 5 Truths, 5 Things
- List 5 things that you want to say to people, but never will.
- Don't say who they are.
- Never discuss it again.

1.Why the F*** are you wasting your time here?
2.Can you stop BRAGING?
3.Don't LIE to me.
4.Wanna challenge me 1 on 1 on the court?

I tag>>> JacQ, Chee Mun, Noel

Saturday, September 29, 2007

25th-27th September *KAMPUNG SELAMAT* Trip birthday.. =D me and soon planned to go Kampung Selamat to visit my classmates and stay there a few days..cuz 1 of them has 2 houses..he said his new house is in Padang Serai,Kedah. Just a border across Kampung Selamat and Kedah. So around 1pm i drove to Butterworth,soon called and he asked me to wait for him at hokayyss..hahax.. When i nearly reach Pacific there is 3 lanes.. left 1 to Prai,middle 1 to Butterworth and Seberang Jaya,right 1 to Ipoh and KL.. I was kinda afraid I go on to the wrong lane.. In the end i gave it a shot and took the middle 1.. Guess what? I made the RIGHT 1!! yaay!! xD hahaax.. I'm glad I wasnt lost there.. so I waited for soon about 15minutes as he is still on the bus *rapid penang bus slower than me*! =DD ahax.. sumore the bus dont have to cross the Penang Bridge.. I HAVE to!! Still I beat em.. alright cut SHORT.. Went to Soon's house,wait for him to pack his stuffs and bath.. Talked to his parents a while,his dad told me about last time he did business and blablabla a lot! Actually I only can understand 50% of what coming out of his mouth,you know why? Cuz he was using *TEOW CHEW* which I'm not used to listen to that.. hahax.. Guess what? Most of the time I was just nodding my head.. as like I can understand and agree with him. When ou deal with this kind of problem you should ACT like this! It's the safest of all kays.. =D remember *FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT* xD ahahax.. Alright soon is done,off the road! Hmm the journey to Kampung Selamat was quite long and far away.. we started at about 1.45pm and reach there at 3.40pm.. Actually we could reach there earlier,but soon's dad taught him the wrong way,we used his dad's way and end up somewhere with lotsa trees.. Ho Maii!! I was kinda scared i'm lost in the jungle.. We "U" turn back again to the T junction that we passed by just now and took the another way.. In the end we made it! *CHANGE STRATEGIES* do works!! =DD ahax.. We waited for Cheong Huah outside a big seafood restaurant name (Long Ji). About 10 minutes later he came and brought us to his new house. I thought we are and Kampung Selamat already,actually we are not,we went way FURTHER pass it!! We are in KEDAH !! Damn! i cant believe that i drove till so far. ahax.. New ACHIEVEMENT!! =DD Parked my car in his house and took a walk around. The houses there were quite big and the price was like so *REASONABLE* compared to Penang Island. This was his house,corner house around RM105K..>>
The big 1 is my class monitor soon and thats CH.. =D The junior owner of the house! xD nice ryte? 3days 2 nights just soon,ch,huan jie and me~~ =DD We gonna FLROCK the house DOWN FLAT!! =DD

We went to another side to have a walk around and we spotted this corner unit with a damn big piece of land!! CH said it cost only around Rm120K.. HOMFG!! I think with 120K in Penang Island you can only get a normal flat with 3rooms and two toilets.. =X I think when I have that money I can buy this house and build my own private BASKETBALL COURT beside and invite friends to come and play everyweek!! =DD

So after the "walk",we back to the house and put our bags and stuffs.. Chill around his house,watch some TV and switch on our lappies.. =DD This was his living room..>>

That's my leg,my lappie =D,the 32' or 37' inch LCD tv,and we had 3days of Pioneer home theater system!! Thats really a BLAST!!! =DD

After the chit chats and stuffs,we head down somwhere in Kedah to eat some small dishes for "alas perut"!! hahaax.. I had a medium size fried bee hoon and 2 piece of fried chicken.. guess what,the price there is so cheap.. Cheaper than Penang and taste good!! My bee hoon was quite big and they charge 2bucks only.. I was like going to tell the aunty "eii aunty *WHAT THE F*** *.." ahahaax..but i dint.. Then the fried chicken is 1.70 for a drumstick and 1.50 for the thigh..its so much bigger,tastier and CHEAPER than KFC!!! =DDD

It was a great we head on to Kampung Selamat!! The real thing! Went to CH's old house 1st..went down and his parents were very friendly.. Greeted aunty and uncle then we straight away go behind his house to visit his pig farm.. Honestly this is my 1st time!! =DD at 1st i felt kinda STINKY so I pull up my shirt to close my nose then soon said I'm lousy cant stand the smell.. In the end? When we went into the male pig's hut that time he ran out and VOMIT out his fried chicken!!! HAH!!! Say people but end up himself vomit!! CHOICES REALLY HAVE CONCEQUENCES!! muaahahahaxx.. Me and CH was laughing the shit out of him when he was vomit-ing!! =DDD That part was really very *STINK* kays!! I bet nobody can stand that smell unless you were born there and smelling that smell for a few years then i got no doubt.. xD here are the pics>>

We were lucky enough to see a new born baby pig!! =DD

I will update more on this post.. till her for now due to internet explorer error.. very sorry,will do my best to upload all the pics here..

I'm back in business..xD okay continue with the pics.. =DD

Then after the visit we went to Huan Jie and Huan Kai's place..both of them are twins,when we reach there they dint know that we are here.. Huan Kai was in the shop and he open his mouth wide and eyes open soo big!! He cant believe that we are here!! LIVE!!! hahaaxx.. I miss that reaction on his face..damn CHUN!! So we went in his house and hang out in the store room where the pc is located and watched some movies.. After that we went back to the new house at padang serai for a rest..look at ah soon sleeping on the couch xD >>>>

This is him on the sofa.. the pigs on top rite? xD luckily not naked.. xP after that we went to a seafood restaurant and eat and eat and eat! xDDD... So we planned to go book a badminton court tomorrow evening..ah soon dint sleep at all the whole night!! =X

Tomorrow morning about 10am we went to have some curry mee then till evening head to the twin's house.. Played badminton from 5pm-7pm.. After the game my rashes get serious!! Luckily after bath,CH got some cream bought from China.. 30minutes later my skin was SILKY SMOOTH!! UNBELIEVABLE!! xDD .. 8pm we went to pasar malam there to buy lots of food for dinner and its so damn cheap! =DD.. I spent about 20bucks and I get all these.. >>

Look at all the foods!! =DD 2 packs of sushi on my lappie~~ xDD.. Damn full man..!

On the last day, Huan Jie's mom came over to fetch him back and invited us to his shop for his famous noodles! xD So we went over,his dad is PRO in cooking.. This is the the way its not HALAL!>>>

The before.. and this is the after with chilies on it>>

You cant get this in anywhere else.. Not even Penang Island,its a KNOCKOUT MEAL!! xDD.. after the lunch ah soon had another one,no choice cuz people have big STORAGE.. hahaxx..So we played with the cats and Huan Jie wanna put it in the pond..ahax.. Take a look>>>

Its going down!! xDD

She is kinda scared~~~

She is terrified! xD After that a spotted lots of unique REAL bird nest on top..>>

Well after 3short days,kinda feel like not leaving these places..but still have to.. )=

Monday, September 24, 2007

Man Utd VS Chelsea *BIG Clash*

Yesterday 11pm..BIG CLASH of two huge titans in the EPL.. I was kinda worried that my team *man utd* cant beat chelsea cuz chelsea hired a new coach Avram Grant,coach of Isreal national team.. Then i just realised that I missed saturday's EPL matches,so i sms-ed Jacq for some info on Liverpool VS Birmingham City..*she is a big fan of liverpool* ahax.. so she said not really a good game and she cant watch MU vs Chelsea match due to college tomorrow morning.. So i decided to sent her the news n results.. =D


Man Utd starting line-ups:(the brackets are the later on subtitutions)
Edwin Van der Sar, Wes Brown, Patrice Evra, Rio Ferdinand, Nemanja Vidic, Michael Carrick, Ryan Giggs, Cristiano Ronaldo, Paul Scholes, Wayne Rooney, Carlos Tevez (Louis Saha).

Chelsea starting line-ups:(the brackets are the later on subtitutions)
Petr Cech, Tal Ben Haim, Ashley Cole, Renato Paulo Ferreira, John Terry, Joe Cole (Claudio Pizarro), Michael Essien, Claude Makelele, Florent Malouda (Shaun Wright-Phillips), John Obi Mikel, Andriy Shevchenko (Salomon Kalou)

Referee:Dean, Mike

Venue:Old Trafford


Man Utd 10
Chelsea 1

Goal Attempts:
Man Utd 18
Chelsea 4

On Target:
Man Utd 10
Chelsea 1

The contrast with the Jose Mourinho era took the expected form. Avram Grant's Chelsea lost to Manchester United, a failing almost unknown when the Portuguese was in charge. Football, admittedly, is too complex ever to be covered by that sort of bald summation. Yesterday, for instance, the outcome must have been affected by the dubious red card for the visitors' midfielder Mikel John Obi when the match was goalless.

Once United had scored, with Carlos Tevez notching his first goal for the club, Chelsea enjoyed no more than a meaningless rally. Sir Alex Ferguson's side remembered to keep ample numbers behind the ball and spirited breaks by the visitors petered out, with no genuine saves required of Edwin van der Sar. Those seeking to have their emotions stirred were best advised to keep their eyes on the referee.
Tevez nods in for his first goal for Man Utd

The most that can be said for Mike Dean is that he was entitled to show a red card and to give a penalty. The official, though, will not be pardoned for making those decisions in incidents that did not merit them. While Mikel overreacted after losing control of the ball in the 32nd minute, the stretching challenge that bit into Patrice Evra's left ankle merited a caution instead of the third dismissal of his Chelsea career.

Referee Mike Dean sends off Mikel to reduce Chelsea to 10m

There was no relation between the real incident and the two-footed lunge indicated by Dean. Penalty rulings were equally haphazard. With less than a minute to go Tal Ben Haim, face to face with Louis Saha, made the merest contact with the substitute and the Frenchman, cocking a snook at the laws of physics, fell forward. His conscience did not distract him from converting the penalty.

Grant, as different from his pre- decessor at Stamford Bridge as the rest of the human race, later made his complaints without attempting an amateur's impersonation of an esoteric Mourinho tirade. His side, on other occasions, had sinned and been absolved by Dean. Joe Cole did foul Evra inside the penalty area in the 18th minute, yet the offence went unrecognised. The same Chelsea midfielder got off, too, with a caution for a cynical foul on Cristiano Ronaldo after 74 minutes when there was no intent or prospect of getting the ball.

All things considered, a just verdict may have been reached by accident. The opener came through a rare piece of artistry that merited some reward. Even then, however, Dean could be faulted. Two minutes of first-half stoppage time had been completed, but the referee let play continue after Chelsea had dealt with a corner.

Wes Brown knocked the ball accurately towards Ryan Giggs on the right and the veteran bent it exquisitely towards the near post with the outside of his left foot. Tevez beat Petr Cech to the cross and headed his first goal for United from close range.

The Argentinian had a productive day, roaming and linking when United went on the attack, yet it is at least as relevant that Ferguson's team have racked up a fifth consecutive clean sheet. They might not look as if they are related to the effervescent line-up that won the Premiership title last season, and Arsenal are the sole team in the top flight who can be recommended wholeheartedly for style and excitement, but United rise to second place in the table.

The Old Trafford side will be thrilling sooner or later. They can barely help but do so when such talents are available to them. After two minutes, Wayne Rooney cut inside Ben Haim and Cech had to pull off an outstanding fingertip save to thwart his curling drive. United did hint at reserves of creativity at times and, for instance, it was only the tightness of the angle that stopped them from scoring when Giggs put a volley over after Rooney's cross had gone beyond the reach of Cech.

Chelsea should not allow their grievances to distract them from their faults. Some are accounted for by the injuries to Ricardo Carvalho, Frank Lampard and Didier Drogba, but a lot of money had still been laid out on the footballers who did take part. Whenever funds are discussed, the conversation turns to the £30m Andriy Shevchenko.

The Ukrainian's wish to make a fresh start was apparent and his work was laudable, good enough for Roman Abramovich to applaud warmly when Shevchenko went off after an hour. None the less, he lacked the predatory trait that made him worth such a hefty price in bygone times.

United were prudent after the interval. In a generally dull contest people such as Michael Carrick caught the eye. The midfielder, who has lost status in the England squad, passed better yesterday than he has previously in this campaign.

Chelsea, who last won when they beat Portsmouth on August 25, badly need to mount a comeback of their own. Grant made minor alterations yesterday to Mourinho's tactics but the Israeli will have to pull off remarkable feats before supporters bin the "Jose Mourinho - simply the best" banner raised yesterday.

After a difficult month or two, he was back to his normal self and used the ball reliably and well.

Man of the match: Carlos Tevez

Best moment: A long diagonal ball in the 58th minute which was fired high by Giggs.

Four decisions that shaped the game

The penalty that was but wasn't given ...
Joe Cole recklessly scythes down Patrice Evra just inside the penalty area. Replays show that Cole got the man not the ball but the referee, Mike Dean, ignores calls for a spot-kick.

The penalty that wasn't but was given ...
Tal Ben Haim's boot makes the slightest of touches with Louis Saha. The United striker theatrically goes to ground and Dean points to the spot. Saha scores to make it 2-0.

The red card that was given ...
Mikel John Obi's two-footed lunge on Evra misses the ball but takes out the defender. Referee Dean has no hesitation in punishing the challenge with a straight red card for dangerous play.

The red card that wasn't
Joe Cole is the unpunished villain once again as his rash sliding challenge on Cristiano Ronaldo sends the Portuguese winger sprawling. But the tackle goes unpunished, to Sir Alex Ferguson's dismay.

till here for now.. 6more hours to my burfday!! =D

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Latest Happenings

hey guys im back.. =D hmm..still got 38 more days to go for the 1st NBA tip-off.. Lets countdown!! xD

Okayy I wanna share with you guys some interesting stuffs happened lately..but 1st of all,I would like to say CONGRATS to Jolin Tsai *taiwanese singer*!! Her new album AGENT J/特务J released today.. *YAAAYY!! CLAP CLAP CLAAP!!*.. ahax.. I havent listen the songs yet..downloading the album now.. sshhh..dont tell anyone i did this.. its kinda bad not buying the original album and download it for free..look on the bright side,it helped me to save lotsa money!! xD hahaax.. so thats alright i guess..This is the front cover of the album.. Very seductive right? xDD hahaax..>>>

heeheezz..enjoy the picure..xD

Yesterday morning when i woke up,i heard somthing damn noisy outside..That irritating sound woke me up.. DAMN ANNOYING!! So i went to check it out from my mom's bedroom on the 3rd floor,cuz the view the is much more better.. xD hahaax.. Guess what,my neighbour's car get TOLLED!! He dint pay the road tax for quite long,so i guess it is time! xD while i was enjoying the car being tolled at the same time I felt bad too..cuz no more car for him.. sigh.. but it was an experience for me to.. what he did is what he gets.. CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES!! So I while I was spying at them,i decided to snap some pics to share with you guys.. ahax.. =D >>>

This was the begining of it..

They are doing their best not to hit the side wall..

Then they move it back again hoping that they can get the angle change..
Then all of the workers came down..*WTF!!* Using man power to shift the car out! DAMN CHUN-ted!! Trust me guys,they did it.. DETERMINATION!! =D and i was amazed..

They did their job nicely and drove off.. BYE GUYS!! Dont let me see you guys taking my car! xD hahaax.. They wont take,cuz i drive iswara only kays.. >.<"

That's the end of the tolling car thingy..hehex..

Alright,YJ said she will be coming to my crib on 2pm..she wanna learn how to blog! hahax..Welcome to the world of blogging gurl! But she had no idea what to blog and no idea what is she gonna name her blog title.. So i gave some suggestion,i said you like to eat so why not put it as *my food my blog*? SS rite? SS=Sweet & simple.. =D hahax..steady right?

And she did! After that i asked her what you gonna do with the two bottles of liquor we bought before going to Genting? *actually we plan to buy and finish it up at Genting but we dint cuz many of us wasnt feeling that well*.. so she said go put it in the I did! after 45minutes i took it out,she said not really cold enough! Then I put it in the freezer for about 10minutes..took it out and it was chilling! YEAH CHILLING!! xD hahaax.. mines was kinda hard to open,she opened for me.. xD hahax.. kinda embarrasing for a guy cant open a bottle of Kampai.. so yeah we drank it.. she said hers is not that strong,kinda like red wine.. mines was kinda fruitty smell but taste quite sour and a lil bitter.. Then she drank some of mine and i drank some of hers.. not bad actually the taste.. After drinking those,*she drank all quite fast* we felt kinda hot.. my face was damn red *like SUNBURN*.. her face wasnt that red.. so i went to have a bath,after that went down talk to her again and she said im getting more and more red.. i told her my body was packed with red spots.. My heart beat was beating fast! *DUPP DUPP DUPP DUPPP..* xD and she said yeah,its like that.. so she went back,guess what.. she was feeling dizzy too.. hahax.. then her car key was not functioning *LOW BAT*!! she hit it many times and fortunately it works!! ahax.. good for her.. so yeah *BYE! DRIVE SAFE!* and lock the door.. =D This was the pic we took.. >>>

That's my KAMPAI and her no idea what brand was it..and her legs and her lappie,hahax..xD

over and out!! see you guys next post.. enjoy reading and viewing.. =D im going out for dinner..early celebration for my birthday!! =D GRANNY is here! xD

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Season

Talking about new season.. There is gotta be the Rookies and the Seniors.. Im looking forward to this new SEASON in the NBA..The rookies are strong this time,we have the number 1 draft pick to the Portland Trailblazers,GREG ODEN..he plays the Center post..7-footer big guy.. No doubt he can take you down anytime.. Its very benificial for the Trailblazer to have Greg..he is born on 1988 January 22th *same year as me* xD hahax.. but not the same date of course!! But too bad,he injured his knee during the pre-season training.. DAMN IT!! he is gonna miss the whole season.. !! urgh..WTF!! well this is his rookie photo shoot.. =D

Career Highlights: Named to The Associated Press All-America First Team. Was the first Buckeye named to the first team since Jim Jackson in 1991-92. Named a 2007 Wooden All-American. Named the NABC National Defensive Player of the Year and the Pete Newell Big Man of the Year. Named Big Ten Freshman of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, and was selected First-Team All Big Ten by the coaches and media.

Freshman (2006-07): Led the Buckeyes in scoring (15.7 ppg), rebounding (9.6 rpg) and blocked shots (105). Posted 14 double-doubles and scored 20 or more points five times. Reached double figures in rebounds 15 times. Had a career-high 19 rebounds in a win over Purdue. Blocked four or more shots 17 times, including a career-high seven blocks in a win against Michigan. Had a career-high 29 points and 10 rebounds in a win against Iowa. Averaged 16.1 points, 9.3 rebounds and 3.5 blocks in six NCAA Tournament games. Came through with a 25 points, 12 rebounds and four blocks against Florida in the national championship game. Missed six games recovering from right wrist surgery.

High School: Named 2006 Naismith Prep Player of the Year, awarded annually since 1987 to the best high school player in the nation. Two-time Gatorade Indiana and National Player of the Year (2005, 2006). Only the second player to repeat as the Gatorade National Player of the Year, joining LeBron James. Also a two-time USA Today and Parade Magazine First-Team selection. Tallied 1,873 points, 1,058 rebounds and 341 blocked shots in high school, leading Lawrence North to three consecutive Class 4A state titles and a 103-7 overall record, including 24-1 in the postseason. The 2006 Lawrence North squad also was the first team from the state of Indiana to be ranked No. 1 nationally by either USA Today or Sports Illustrated, both of which rated the Wildcats the top-ranked high school team in 2005-06. Named a 2006 McDonald’s High School All-American and played in the McDonald’s All-America Game.

Strengths: Legit seven-footer with all the physical attributes to develop into a dominant NBA center. A game-changer on defense with his ability to block shots and rebound. Runs the floor exceptionally well. Plays with a calm and confident demeanor.

Personal: Son of Zoe and Greg Oden Sr. Has a brother Anthony who is a junior at Lawrence North High School.

Well thats all about Greg if you wanna know about him.. =D

The another future NBA rookie phenom is this guy name KEVIN DURANT..he is the 2nd draft pick in the NBA to the Seattle Supersonics..he plays as a Forward post..dont mess around with him,he maybe smiling to you offcourt but he will damage you seriously oncourt! 6-foot-9,shorter than Greg a lil bit..born on the same year n same month with me but different day =(..
awww..thats too bad.. 1988 September 29th boy.. =D this is his pic with Greg,wearing Supersonics jersey number 35.. check him out >>>

Career Highlights: Earned National Player of the Year honors from the Associated Press, NABC, USBWA, CBS/Chevrolet and The Sporting News and was named the winner of the Adolph Rupp Trophy, the Naismith Award and the Wooden Award, becoming the first-ever freshman in NCAA history to win any of those awards. Earned consensus First Team All-American honors, becoming just the third freshman in NCAA history earn that honor joining Wayman Tisdale (1983) and Chris Jackson (1989). Named Big 12 Freshman and Player of the Year, earned First Team All-Conference honors and was named to the league’s All-Defensive Team. Set single-season school and Big 12 records for points in a season (903), a total that also ranks as the second-most by a freshman in NCAA history. Also set a single-season school record for rebounds in a season (390), a mark that ranks second in Big 12 history and third all-time for a freshman in NCAA history.

Freshman (2006-07): Led the Big 12 in scoring (25.8 ppg, ranked fourth nationally), rebounding (11.1 rpg, fourth) and blocked shots (1.9 bpg). Also ranked in the top 10 in field goal percentage (.473, seventh), free throw percentage (.816, third), three-point field goal percentage (.404, seventh), three-point field goals made per game (2.3, seventh) and steals (1.9, fourth). Averaged 28.9 points and 12.5 rebounds in conference play, both Big 12 single-season records for league games only. Scored in double figures in every game, surpassed the 20-point mark 30 times, and posted 30 or more points 11 times. Recorded 20 double-doubles, second-most in the nation behind Nevada senior Nick Fazekas. Registered a career-high 37 points on four different occasions. Exploded for 37 points and grabbed a career-high 23 rebounds at Texas Tech. Tallied 37 points and 16 points at Colorado. Scored 37 points and pulled down 12 rebounds vs. Oklahoma State. Sank five threes in scoring 29 points vs. St. John’s. Notched 26 points vs. Tennessee. Recorded 28 points and 15 rebounds vs. Texas A&M and notched 30 points and 16 rebounds in the rematch. Posted 37 points, 10 rebounds, a career-high six assists and a career-high six blocked shots vs. Kansas in the Big 12 Tournament finals on his way to Tournament MVP honors, the first player to win the award from a losing team. Set a tournament record with 92 total points scored. Registered 27 points, including 15-for-16 free throw shooting, vs. New Mexico State in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. Led team with 30 points vs. USC in the second round.

Strengths: Extremely versatile and explosive offensive player who can score from virtually any spot on the floor. Length, elite athleticism and natural instincts also allow him to be a dominant rebounder and shot-blocker.

Personal: Favorite food is crab legs. Two nicknames are “KD” and “K-Smoove.” Favorite musician is ‘Lil Wayne. Wears No. 35 to honor his childhood AAU coach, Charles Craig, who died when he was 35.

i miss NBA

OMG..i just realised that i miss NBA so much..!!
OH c'mon!! Still 40days and 7hours away from the 1st tip-off.. sigh.. how long is this going to take?

This season will be damn awesome!
With my favourite player KEVIN GARNETT a.k.a KG been traded to the Boston Celtics after so many years sticking in Minnesota Timberwolves for 12 freaking years without even winning a championship back before.

Yea i know,KG was craving for his 1st big championship ring after being a pro for so many years in the league..
besides Kevin being traded to Boston,RAY ALLEN also being traded from the Seattle Supersonics to the Celtics..Ray is 1 of the purest sharp shooter you can dig in the NBA..dont mess with him,he may seem quiet all the time during the press conference but he can shoot a 3-pointer infront of you without any alert..
So now the Boston Celtics have the "BIG 3"..RAY,KG and Paul Pierce..(as in the picture above). Paul has also been very stressful all these years without winning anything..he and KG are the best friends OFFCOURT and great partners finally they re-unite,i can feel something big is gonna happen this me,its gonna HAPPEN!!

Oh ya! Guess what sacrifices did the Boston Celtics did to get KG..JUST TO GET KG!! They traded their 4 important players in their rosters just to get this proves that how BADLY they WANT KG and to WIN!!

This is one of the latest shoe from Adidas..this model is customized for Boston Celtics..look how gorgeous it is..It has 30 different types for 30 teams in the its cool,at the same time its quite pricy.. This cost USD 99,convert to here its gonna be approximately RM350..Its better to get a basketball shoes than this casual shoes rite?

Anyways,for basketball shoes I adore AND1(i have 1)^^,Nike,Reebok and Adidas..i dont really like Jordan's shoes..the design is kinda normal..

This is an adidas C-billups 1 all-star limited edition..wore by Detroit Pistons lead point guard Chauncy was specially customized for him..this 1 is nice and the price is can get it from RM330-RM400..Very comfortable inside indeed..Not heavy but LIGHT! =D


Well this is my 1st blog new to teach me more if i did something not RIGHT.. =D ahax.. thank you..
this is my 1st blog post..
when i woked up this morning,yea as usual..a lil blur den YJ said she is in Gurney waiting 4 her mom 2 take her 2 the hospital for a check up..cuz she had denggi last week dat i was a worrying she said her check up is going 2 be 2pm..dats good! So i opened the internet,check mails and reading some news..
I had a BIG shock looking at the BIGG CHELSEA(a huge football club in England which i dont really like) Manager *Jose Mourinho* is gonna leave Chelsea..i was like *ZOMFG*!!! xD take a look>>

LONDON-manager Jose Mourinho has left the English Premier League club, a club statement has confirmed early Thursday morning. Just minutes ago, a statement on the official Chelsea club website has confirmed that the club have parted company with Mourinho by mutual consent. The statement said: "Chelsea Football Club and Jose Mourinho have agreed to part company today (Thursday) by mutual consent." Mourinho is believed to have informed senior players of his decision to quit following training on Wednesday. An unnamed senior Chelsea player has also told Sky Sports News that Mourinho has been sacked by the club. Mourinho's departure will send shock-waves through English football. The Portuguese manager has transformed the nation's football landscape since taking over at Stamford Bridge in June 2004, winning two Premier League titles in his first two years in charge and the FA Cup last season. But his relationship with Chelsea's owner Roman Abramovich has always been fraught and it now seems that a disappointing 1-1 Champions League draw with Norwegian side Rosenberg on Tuesday was his last in charge It seems that Mourinho's fractious relationship with Abramovich has finally reached breaking point. Unconfirmed reports have that the decision to sack Mourinho was due to his recruitment process this summer, as well as the fact that he let certain players go. Chelsea's next match is against Premier League champions Manchester United at Old Trafford on Sunday.