Saturday, September 29, 2007

25th-27th September *KAMPUNG SELAMAT* Trip birthday.. =D me and soon planned to go Kampung Selamat to visit my classmates and stay there a few days..cuz 1 of them has 2 houses..he said his new house is in Padang Serai,Kedah. Just a border across Kampung Selamat and Kedah. So around 1pm i drove to Butterworth,soon called and he asked me to wait for him at hokayyss..hahax.. When i nearly reach Pacific there is 3 lanes.. left 1 to Prai,middle 1 to Butterworth and Seberang Jaya,right 1 to Ipoh and KL.. I was kinda afraid I go on to the wrong lane.. In the end i gave it a shot and took the middle 1.. Guess what? I made the RIGHT 1!! yaay!! xD hahaax.. I'm glad I wasnt lost there.. so I waited for soon about 15minutes as he is still on the bus *rapid penang bus slower than me*! =DD ahax.. sumore the bus dont have to cross the Penang Bridge.. I HAVE to!! Still I beat em.. alright cut SHORT.. Went to Soon's house,wait for him to pack his stuffs and bath.. Talked to his parents a while,his dad told me about last time he did business and blablabla a lot! Actually I only can understand 50% of what coming out of his mouth,you know why? Cuz he was using *TEOW CHEW* which I'm not used to listen to that.. hahax.. Guess what? Most of the time I was just nodding my head.. as like I can understand and agree with him. When ou deal with this kind of problem you should ACT like this! It's the safest of all kays.. =D remember *FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT* xD ahahax.. Alright soon is done,off the road! Hmm the journey to Kampung Selamat was quite long and far away.. we started at about 1.45pm and reach there at 3.40pm.. Actually we could reach there earlier,but soon's dad taught him the wrong way,we used his dad's way and end up somewhere with lotsa trees.. Ho Maii!! I was kinda scared i'm lost in the jungle.. We "U" turn back again to the T junction that we passed by just now and took the another way.. In the end we made it! *CHANGE STRATEGIES* do works!! =DD ahax.. We waited for Cheong Huah outside a big seafood restaurant name (Long Ji). About 10 minutes later he came and brought us to his new house. I thought we are and Kampung Selamat already,actually we are not,we went way FURTHER pass it!! We are in KEDAH !! Damn! i cant believe that i drove till so far. ahax.. New ACHIEVEMENT!! =DD Parked my car in his house and took a walk around. The houses there were quite big and the price was like so *REASONABLE* compared to Penang Island. This was his house,corner house around RM105K..>>
The big 1 is my class monitor soon and thats CH.. =D The junior owner of the house! xD nice ryte? 3days 2 nights just soon,ch,huan jie and me~~ =DD We gonna FLROCK the house DOWN FLAT!! =DD

We went to another side to have a walk around and we spotted this corner unit with a damn big piece of land!! CH said it cost only around Rm120K.. HOMFG!! I think with 120K in Penang Island you can only get a normal flat with 3rooms and two toilets.. =X I think when I have that money I can buy this house and build my own private BASKETBALL COURT beside and invite friends to come and play everyweek!! =DD

So after the "walk",we back to the house and put our bags and stuffs.. Chill around his house,watch some TV and switch on our lappies.. =DD This was his living room..>>

That's my leg,my lappie =D,the 32' or 37' inch LCD tv,and we had 3days of Pioneer home theater system!! Thats really a BLAST!!! =DD

After the chit chats and stuffs,we head down somwhere in Kedah to eat some small dishes for "alas perut"!! hahaax.. I had a medium size fried bee hoon and 2 piece of fried chicken.. guess what,the price there is so cheap.. Cheaper than Penang and taste good!! My bee hoon was quite big and they charge 2bucks only.. I was like going to tell the aunty "eii aunty *WHAT THE F*** *.." ahahaax..but i dint.. Then the fried chicken is 1.70 for a drumstick and 1.50 for the thigh..its so much bigger,tastier and CHEAPER than KFC!!! =DDD

It was a great we head on to Kampung Selamat!! The real thing! Went to CH's old house 1st..went down and his parents were very friendly.. Greeted aunty and uncle then we straight away go behind his house to visit his pig farm.. Honestly this is my 1st time!! =DD at 1st i felt kinda STINKY so I pull up my shirt to close my nose then soon said I'm lousy cant stand the smell.. In the end? When we went into the male pig's hut that time he ran out and VOMIT out his fried chicken!!! HAH!!! Say people but end up himself vomit!! CHOICES REALLY HAVE CONCEQUENCES!! muaahahahaxx.. Me and CH was laughing the shit out of him when he was vomit-ing!! =DDD That part was really very *STINK* kays!! I bet nobody can stand that smell unless you were born there and smelling that smell for a few years then i got no doubt.. xD here are the pics>>

We were lucky enough to see a new born baby pig!! =DD

I will update more on this post.. till her for now due to internet explorer error.. very sorry,will do my best to upload all the pics here..

I'm back in business..xD okay continue with the pics.. =DD

Then after the visit we went to Huan Jie and Huan Kai's place..both of them are twins,when we reach there they dint know that we are here.. Huan Kai was in the shop and he open his mouth wide and eyes open soo big!! He cant believe that we are here!! LIVE!!! hahaaxx.. I miss that reaction on his face..damn CHUN!! So we went in his house and hang out in the store room where the pc is located and watched some movies.. After that we went back to the new house at padang serai for a rest..look at ah soon sleeping on the couch xD >>>>

This is him on the sofa.. the pigs on top rite? xD luckily not naked.. xP after that we went to a seafood restaurant and eat and eat and eat! xDDD... So we planned to go book a badminton court tomorrow evening..ah soon dint sleep at all the whole night!! =X

Tomorrow morning about 10am we went to have some curry mee then till evening head to the twin's house.. Played badminton from 5pm-7pm.. After the game my rashes get serious!! Luckily after bath,CH got some cream bought from China.. 30minutes later my skin was SILKY SMOOTH!! UNBELIEVABLE!! xDD .. 8pm we went to pasar malam there to buy lots of food for dinner and its so damn cheap! =DD.. I spent about 20bucks and I get all these.. >>

Look at all the foods!! =DD 2 packs of sushi on my lappie~~ xDD.. Damn full man..!

On the last day, Huan Jie's mom came over to fetch him back and invited us to his shop for his famous noodles! xD So we went over,his dad is PRO in cooking.. This is the the way its not HALAL!>>>

The before.. and this is the after with chilies on it>>

You cant get this in anywhere else.. Not even Penang Island,its a KNOCKOUT MEAL!! xDD.. after the lunch ah soon had another one,no choice cuz people have big STORAGE.. hahaxx..So we played with the cats and Huan Jie wanna put it in the pond..ahax.. Take a look>>>

Its going down!! xDD

She is kinda scared~~~

She is terrified! xD After that a spotted lots of unique REAL bird nest on top..>>

Well after 3short days,kinda feel like not leaving these places..but still have to.. )=


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