Friday, October 26, 2007


About toilets..hahax.. During IAG August 07 camp,i remember Melody challenge me and Aaron to the ladies toilet.. So I DOUBLE DARE HER!! i WENT in and do my thing.. hahaax.. she was like OMG! And Aaron stand outside at the door and said ''Dey machaa,you really have balls larhx weii''.. hahaax.. OF COURSE I DO! I got 2!! xDDD

Okays so this week my classmate challenged me again.. This was the 3rd time already,the guts i have is more than enough! hahax.. so i went in larhx,and she and YJ was like OMG!! Again.. xD

And this time I went in longer.. Not fair larhx,ladies toilet bigger than guys.. )= and the tissue there is always more than enough to use,aint like guy's toilet.. Always out of tissues..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ehh!!! damn freaking cool wei!!! nex time we do that again.. k??? i got balls. i got 2!! damn funny

February 7, 2008 at 9:26 AM  

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